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Kankakee Tire Defect Lawyers

Tire defects caused by the negligence of tire or car manufacturers place motorists in needless danger. The abrupt failure of a vehicle’s tires may lead to hydroplaning, rollover, or a general loss of driver control – all of which have the potential to cause accidents resulting in severe damage, physical injury, and emotional scarring. Tire and automobile companies, as well as parts retailers and mechanics, are responsible for protecting the safety of consumers. Their failure to uphold this obligation should not go unpunished.

If you or someone you love has been involved in an accident caused by defective tires, you may be entitled to financial compensation for medical bills, vehicle repairs, and other damages. Let the experienced Kankakee tire defect lawyers at Spiros Law, P.C., assess your case. Contact us at (815) 929-9292 today.

Types of Tire Defects

Manufacturer’s error and negligence can lead to a multitude of possible tire defects that endanger the safety of all those on the road. Because a driver cannot anticipate a defect, it is virtually impossible for him to prepare for the consequences of one arising. Examples of tire defects include but are not limited to:

  • Aged tires
  • Tread separation
  • Improper installation
  • Defective valve stems
  • Malfunctioning joints and gears

Contact Us

The road is dangerous enough without the added risk of a tire maker’s negligence. The preventable nature of defect-related accidents makes their frequency all the more unacceptable. If you have suffered injury or financial losses as a result of a tire manufacturer’s poor oversight, do not hesitate to seek the justice you deserve. Contact the Kankakee tire defect attorneys of Spiros Law, P.C., by calling (815) 929-9292 today.